
MGBSFL top-scorers - January 25


Golden boy Avi Markiewicz is on course to win the MGBSFL Golden Boot after climbing to the top of the goal charts following his fifth hat-trick of the season.


22 - Avi Markiweicz (London Rovers)


21 - Daniel Garfinkle (Redbridge JC B – including 6 for RJC A)


19 - Adam Ellis (Shacharit Donetsk)


18 - James Gershfield (Harmen)


15 - Dave Woolman (Oakwood A)
Jake Gilbert (NL Raiders B)


14 – Johnny Haik (Faithfold A - includes one for B team)
Simon Moses (Blancos – includes two for Brady)
Adam Stolerman (FC Team C)


13 - Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill)


12 - Matt Stock (Raiders A)
David Joseph Cohen (FC Team A)
Reiss Mogilner (Brady)


11 – Johnny Haik (Faithfold A - includes one for B team)
Phil Braham (King Crown)
Josh Bharier (London Rovers)


10 - Josh Green (NL Raiders – goals also scored for NLR B)
Simon Moses (Blancos – includes two for Brady)
Dan Baneth, Rob Hershkorn (both Camden Park)
Julius Judah (Athletic Bilbaum)
Richard Salmon (FC Team B)
Jacob Richler-Kleiman (Oakwood B)
Dovi Vogel (London Rovers)


9 – David Dinkin (NL Raiders A)
Dean Shaw (Blizzard)
Lorian Madanes (FC Team B – including one for A team)


8 – Connor Perl (ML Lions Blue)
Sam Sollosi (Redbridge B)
Avidan Last, Greg Corin (both Hendon A)
Oli Henry (Blizzard)
Zak McLeod (Catford & Bromley)
Dan Gordon (Faithfold B)


7 – David Joseph Cohen (FC Team A)
Guy Helman (Oakwood A)
Liron Mannie (NL Raiders A)
Benni Sluckis (Hendon B)


6 – Steve Summers (Redbridge A)
Brad Wine, Jonny Quinn (both Oakwood A)
Dan Green (Harmen – includes 5 for Lions)
Mitch Green (Blizzard)
Rob Hershkorn (Camden Park)
Adam Hersh (Blancos)
Nicky Woolf (NL Raiders B)
Ben Binder, Lorian Madanes (FC Team B – including one for A team)
Aron Barnes (FC Team C)
Oli Nathan (NL Raiders C)
Zack Collins (Jewdinese)
Haydon Davidson (Oakwood B – including one for A-team)
Dom Cheniart, Yoel Deal (both King Crown)
Yisroel Lewis (London Rovers)


5 - Dovi Fehler (Hendon A)
Shim Bensoor (FC Team A)
Alex Kaye (Faithfold A)
Danny Sherman (Neasden)
James Gold (ML Lions Blue)
Josh Newman (Brady)
Richard Silver (Camden Park)
Oli Henry (Blizzard)
Andy Smith (L’Equipe)
Matt Davis (FC Team C)
Dan Cohen (Whetstone)
Daniel Perelberg, Jacob Brunner (both Bilbaum)
Jonny Kaye, Jason Shoffman (both Mill Hill)
Josh Bloom, Will Ufland (both NL Raiders C)
Jamie Sinai (Catford)
Brandon Sassoon (Jewdinese)
Jacob Richler-Kleiman (Oakwood B)
James Ryan, Zack Gordon (both KS Reunited)
Leor Harel (Faithfold B)
Saul Cohen (Hendon B)


4 – Sam Lewis, Benji Dymant (both Faithfold A)
Joey Lazare (Harmen)
Alon Hershkorn (FC Team A)
Jamie Wolfson (NL Raiders A)
Gideon Barnett, Adam Arnold (both Neasden)
Dan Lassman, Ben Sollosi (both Redbridge A)
Harrison Midda (Woodford)
Richard Silver (Camden Park)
Nathan Sollosi (Redbridge B)
Elliot Wallis (SPEC FC)
Lee Cutler (Brixton)
Ricky Lawrence, Marc Cohen (both SPEC FC)
Luke Lewis, Zac Brin (both Jewdinese)
Adam Rones, Andy Sheena (both FC Team B)
Rob Cohen, Philippe Auret (both Whetstone)
Charlie Cohen (Oakwood B)
Richard Rosenthal, Barry Green, Josh Jacobs (all Real Sosobad)
Adam Nusenbaum, Ben Retter (both King Crown)
James Neidle, Saul Cohen, Gideon Barth (all Hendon B)
Lioz Tov (Boca Jewniors)
Darren Zitren (Temple Fortune)


3 – Brad Gayer (Redbridge A)
Ben Joseph (NL Raiders A)
Avi Korman, Avishai Kestenbaum (both Hendon A)
Ben Chernoff (NW Neasden)
Carl Peters (Oakwood A)
Joey Lazare (Harmen)
Shim Bensoor (FC Team A)
Harry Franks, Cameron Most (both ML Lions Blue)
Sam Monjack, Matt Frohlich (both Brady)
Dan Grossman (NL Raiders B)
Conor Brand (Blizzard)
Jake Saunders, Adam Paris (both Camden Park)
Daren Russell, Adam Waters (both Blancos)
Dan Pike, Ricky Lawrence, Marc Cohen (all SPEC FC)
Jason Lindsay, Saul Conway, Dave Lusman (all Brixton)
David Grossman, Jon Breger (both FC Team B)
Dan Stanton (both FC Team C)
Jamie Kent, Joel Lassman, Elliot Bloom, Darren Bloom (all Mill Hill)
Jonah Gordon-Boyd (Whetstone)
Jamie Sinai, Joel Isaacs (both Catford & Bromley)
Ollie Brill, Ollie Smith (both Jewdinese)
James Mandell (L’Equipe)
Oli Nathan (NL Raiders C)
Barry Green (Real Sosobad)
Yehoshua Silverman, Nigel Someck, Parys Hammond, Dan Ezra (all London Rovers)
Andy Levy (Real Sosobad)
Jake Garfield (King Crown)
Josh Marlow (Boca Jewniors)
Zach Rich, Matt Leader (both Temple Fortune)
Avi Mocton (Hendon B)


2 - Rob Sanford, David James Cohen, Yoav Lebens (all FC Team A)
Dean Nyman (Redbridge A)
Jake Gottlieb, Ben Weinberg, Brad Sharpe, Mike Pearson (all Harmen)
Ben Lampert, Rick Jacobson (both MLL Blue)
Michael Field (NW Neasden)
Josh Rose, Dan Selwyn, Simon Davies (all Oakwood A)
Dan Harrod, Charlie Kasler, Josh Laurier (all Brady)
Ben Ellis, Aaron Salaman, Brad Cohen, Stuart Muller, Robbie Berwald (all Blizzard)
Jacob Gold (Raiders B)
David Kanzen, Mike Khalastchi, David Khalastchi (both Camden Park)
Chaim Gothold, Zvi Freedman, Benjy Israel (all Blancos)
Nick Kenton, Saul Conway, Gideon Gold, Josh Kalinsky (all Brixton)
Craig Cohen, Dan Pike, Marc Hecht (all SPEC FC)
Vlad Zaiko, Ben Bell (Bilbaum)
Samuel Leader, Alex Wolffenden, Toby Nathan (all AC Whetstone)
Max Clynes, Josh Rubin, Dan Ash (all Oakwood B)
Dan Green (Catford)
Nick Haringman, Dan Polak, Liam Stein (all NL Raiders C)
Shuey Mirwis, Danny Moss (both FC Team B)
Dan Alfreds (FC Team C)
Richard Winton, Darren Bloom (both Mill Hill)
JJ Marrache , Rob Simons (both L’Equipe)
Josh Levy (Shacharit Donetsk)
Yoel Deal, Ben Garfield, Ricky Fox, Jacob Kadoch (all King Crown)
Dan Ezra, Yossi Abrahams, Parys Hammond, Adam Kay (all London Rovers)
Phil Peters, Jerome Colmans (both ML Lions Green)
Eric Hovelsen, Josh Barnett, Dave Sherman, Ashley Ilsen, Dan Yoss (all Faithfold B)
James Rubin, James Law, Adam Goodman (all Real Sosobad)
Dave Sawyer, Nicky Stone (Temple Fortune)
Jamie Weinrich, Callion McGregor, Jack Goldsmith, Dale Bradman (all Boca Jewniors)
Gab Saul (Hendon B)
Mitchel Ross (KS Reunited)


1 - Adam Blin, Dan Geey, Lee Warner, Simon Davies, Josh Bentley, Dan Rose (all Oakwood A)
Ari Last, Simon Peterman, Ben Kon, Ben Lauffer, Yoav Kestenbaum (all Hendon A)
Josh Hershman, Matt Stock, Adam Joselyn, Josh Green, Josh Pistol, David Rhodes, Elliot Moslawy (all NL Raiders A)
Sam Lewis, Daryl Phillips, Avi Garson, Alex Levack (all Faithfold A)
James Jaconelli, Danny Hakimi, Dan Castle, Harrison Grant, Richie Caplin (all Redbridge A)
Richard Gold, Jonny Cutter, Joel Reuben (all ML Lions Blue)
Adam Aminoff, Roie Spitzer (both FC Team A)
Sam Frank (Neasden)
Sam Castle, Ollie Craig, Alex Bowman (all Harmen)
Mitch Hahn (Woodford)
Jono Gaon, Benjy Israel, Jo Davies, Joel Kutner Waters (all Blancos)
Sam Roth, Adam Bier (both Bilbaum)
Darren Brown, Harry Mednick, James Berkley, Scott Oldstein, Harrison Grant (all Redbridge B)
Guy Marks, Josh Marks, Max Saunders, Luke Brookner, Sam Bennett (all Camden)
Adam Speck, Jacob Brunner, Stuart Muller, Brad Cohen (all Blizzard)
Henry Ziff, Malcolm Newman (both Brady)
Ben Sheldon, Simon Buchler, Rob Samuelson, Jacob Gold, Dave Esterkin, Anthony Goodmaker, Lewis Blitz (all NL Raiders B)
Ryan Fox, Dan Cohen, Marc Cohen, Simon Bagel, James Lesner (all SPEC FC)
Sacha Benfredj, Michael Patterson, Dave Ronson, Sam Gold (all Brixton)
Josh Kaye, Blake Buckman, Matt Davis, Adam Lenz, Dan Stanton, Freddie Marks, James Milman (all FC Team C)
Dan Breger, Danny Moss, Declan Selbo, Richard Sternberg (all FC Team B)
Alon Pinhas, Aaron Benjamin, Josh Silverman (all AC Whetstone)
Marcus Mann, Marc Hyamson, Matt Geey, Josh Rubin, Ben Polak, Nicky Harris, Daniel Selwyn, Dan Ash, Adam Blin (all Oakwood B)
Marc Woolfe, Jarred Rudman, Will Ufland, Liam Stein, Alex Goodman (all NL Raiders C)
Loz Bloom, Ben Grabiner (both Mill Hill)
Jess Alexander (Jewdinese)
Jeff Gotch, Eli Baraty, Yonni Bord, Gary Hill, Tom Prevezer, Andrew Charles, Sean Preston, Jonny Lee (all Catford & Bromley)
Andrew Smith, Dan Finegold, Jon Kay, Mark Truman, Nick Stern (all L’Equipe)
Zalmy Cohen, Akiva Zneimer (both London Rovers)
Sam Kanter, Yoram Goodman, Daniel Reece (all Shacharit Donetsk)
Sacha Nusenbaum, Ben Garfield, Yossi Lanning (all King Crown)
Rob Cooper, Anthony Shaw, Nicky Stone, Gavin Levy, Gideon Wetrin, Dominic Hallett (all Temple Fortune)
Steven Black, Danny Reuben, Ben Winters (all MLL Green)
Adam Grossman, Dave Sherman, Ashley Ilsen (all Faithfold B)
Jason Goldstein, Sebastian Deal, Joe Sumray, Jamie Levrant, Ethan Deal (all KS Reunited)
Josh Webber, Gab John, Adam Rosenfeld (all Boca Jewniors)
John Lessem, James Law, Elliot Coulton (all Real Sosobad)
Josh Platt, Nicky Silverstone, Zac Rose, Ben Winters, Sam Collins, Scott Ackerman, Steven Black (all ML Lions Green)
Ben Silverblatt, Chaim Korman, Adam Glekin, Gideon Caller, Jamie Grossman, Jono Nesbitt (all Hendon B)



18 - James Gershfield (Harmen)

15 - Dave Woolman (Oakwood A)

14 - Johnny Haik (Faithfold A - includes one for B team)

12 - Matt Stock (Raiders A)
David Joseph Cohen (FC Team A)

10 - Josh Green (NL Raiders – goals also scored for NLR B)

9 - David Dinkin (NL Raiders A)

8 - Connor Perl (ML Lions Blue)
Avidan Last, Greg Corin (both Hendon A)

7 – Liron Mannie (NL Raiders A)
Guy Helman (Oakwood A)

6 - Steve Summers (Redbridge A)
Brad Wine, Jonny Quinn (both Oakwood A)
Dan Green (Harmen – includes 5 for Lions)

5 - Danny Sherman (Neasden)
James Gold (ML Lions Blue)
Dovi Fehler (Hendon A)
Alex Kaye (Faithfold A)
Shim Bensoor (FC Team A)

4 – Harrison Midda (Woodford)
Alon Hershkorn (FC Team A)
Joey Lazare (Harmen)
Jamie Wolfson (NL Raiders A)
Sam Lewis, Benji Dymant (both Faithfold A)
Dan Lassman, Ben Sollosi (both Redbridge A)
Gideon Barnett, Adam Arnold (both Neasden)

3 - Ben Chernoff (NW Neasden)
Brad Gayer (Redbridge A)
Harry Franks, Cameron Most, Dan Green (all ML Lions Blue)
Ben Joseph (NL Raiders A)
Carl Peters (Oakwood A)
Avi Korman, Avishai Kestenbaum (both Hendon A)

2 - David Seitler (Hendon A)
Jake Gottlieb, Ben Weinberg, Brad Sharpe, Mike Pearson (all Harmen)
Rob Sanford, David James Cohen, Yoav Lebens (all FC Team A)
Josh Rose, Dan Selwyn, Simon Davies (all Oakwood A)
Ben Lampert, Rick Jacobson (both MLL Blue)
Michael Field (NW Neasden)
Dean Nyman (Redbridge A)
Elliot Moslawy (NL Raiders A)

1 - Adam Blin, Dan Geey, Lee Warner, Josh Bentley, Dan Rose (all Oakwood A)
Ari Last, Simon Peterman, Ben Kon, Ben Lauffer, Yoav Kestenbaum (all Hendon A)
Sam Franks (Neasden)
Daryl Phillips, Avi Garson, Alex Levack (all Faithfold A)
Adam Aminoff, Roie Spitzer (all FC Team A)
Sam Castle, Ollie Craig, Alex Bowman (all Harmen)
Josh Hershman, David Rhodes Adam Joselyn, Josh Pistol (all NL Raiders A)
James Jaconelli, Danny Hakimi, Dan Castle, Harrison Grant, Richie Caplin (all Redbridge A)
Richard Gold, Jonny Cutter, Joel Reuben (all ML Lions Blue)
Mitch Hahn (Woodford)



21 - Daniel Garfinkle (Redbridge JC B – including 3 for RJC A)

15 - Jake Gilbert (NL Raiders B)

14 - Simon Moses (Blancos – includes two for Brady)

12 - Reiss Mogilner (Brady)

10 - Julius Judah (Athletic Bilbaum)
Dan Baneth, Rob Hershkorn (both Camden Park)

9 - Dean Shaw (Blizzard)

8 - Sam Sollosi (Redbridge B)
Oli Henry (Blizzard)

6 - Mitch Green (Blizzard)
Richard Silver (Camden)
Nicky Woolf (NL Raiders B)
Adam Hersh (Blancos)

5 - Josh Newman (Brady)
Daniel Perelberg, Jacob Brunner (both Bilbaum)
Elliot Wallis (SPEC FC)

4 - Lee Cutler (Brixton)
Ricky Lawrence, Marc Cohen (both SPEC FC)
Dan Grossman (NL Raiders B)
Nathan Sollosi (Redbridge B)

3 - Greg Meller, Jake Saunders, Adam Paris (all Camden Park)
Dan Pike (SPEC FC)
Daren Russell, Adam Waters (both Blancos)
Jason Lindsay, Saul Conway, Dave Lusman (both Brixton)
Sam Monjack, Matt Frohlich (both Brady)
Conor Brand (Blizzard)

2 - Dan Harrod, Charlie Kasler, Josh Laurier (all Brady)
Adam Goldman (both Redbridge B)
Chaim Gothold, Zvi Freedman, Benjy Israel (all Blancos)
Ben Ellis, Aaron Salaman, Brad Cohen, Stuart Muller, Robbie Berwald (all Blizzard)
David Kanzen, Michael Khalastchi, David Khalastchi (all Camden Park)
Craig Cohen, Dan Pike, Marc Hecht (all SPEC FC)
Nick Kenton, Josh Kalinsky, Gabriel Gold (all Brixton)
Vlad Zaiko, Ben Bell (both Bilbaum)
Jacob Gold (Raiders B)

1 – Jono Gaon, James Joseph, Jeff Gross, Jo Davies, Joel Kutner (all Blancos)
Guy Marks, Josh Marks, Max Saunders, Luke Brookner, Sam Bennett (all Camden)
Adam Speck, Jacob Brunner (both Blizzard)
Henry Ziff, Malcolm Newman (both Brady)
Ryan Fox, Dan Cohen, Simon Bagel, James Lesner (all SPEC FC)
Sam Roth, Adam Bier (both Bilbaum)
Darren Brown, Harry Mednick, James Berkley, Scott Oldstein, Harrison Grant (all Redbridge B)
Sacha Benfredj, Michael Patterson, Dave Ronson, Sam Gold (all Brixton)
Ben Sheldon, Simon Buchler, Rob Samuelson, Dave Esterkin, Anthony Goodmaker, Lewis Blitz (all NL Raiders B)


14 - Adam Stolerman (FC Team C)

13 - Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill)

10 - Jacob Richler-Kleiman (Oakwood B)
Richard Salmon (FC Team B)

9 - Lorian Madanes (FC Team B – including one for A team)

8 - Zak McLeod (Catford & Bromley)

6 - Ben Binder (FC Team B)
Aron Barnes (FC Team C)
Haydon Davidson (Oakwood B – including one for A-team)
Oli Nathan (NL Raiders C)
Zack Collins (Jewdinese)

5 - Brandon Sassoon (Jewdinese)
Jamie Sinai (Catford)
Andy Smith (L’Equipe)
Jonny Kaye, Jason Shoffman (both Mill Hill)
Matt Davis (FC Team C)
Dan Cohen (Whetstone)
Josh Bloom, Will Ufland (both NL Raiders C)

4 - Rob Cohen, Philippe Auret (all Whetstone)
Luke Lewis, Zac Brin (both Jewdinese)
Adam Rones, Andy Sheena (both FC Team B)
Charlie Cohen (Oakwood B)

3 – Mitch Lassman, Dan Stanton (both FC Team C)
James Mandell (L’Equipe)
Jamie Kent, Joel Lassman, Elliot Bloom, Darren Bloom (all Mill Hill)
Joel Isaacs (Catford & Bromley)
Ollie Brill, Ollie Smith (both Jewdinese)
David Grossman, Jon Breger (both FC Team B)
Jonah Gordon-Boyd (Whetstone)

2 - Samuel Leader, Alex Wolffenden, Toby Nathan (all AC Whetstone)
Max Clynes, Josh Rubin, Dan Ash (all Oakwood B)
Richard Winton (Mill Hill)
JJ Marrache, Rob Simons (both L’Equipe)
Shuey Mirwis, Danny Moss (all FC Team B)
Nick Haringman, Dan Polak, Liam Stein (both NL Raiders C)
Dan Green (Catford)
Dan Alfreds (FC Team C)

1 - Dan Breger, Dan Silverman, Declan Selbo, Richard Sternberg (all FC Team B)
Alon Pinhas, Aaron Benjamin, Josh Silverman (all AC Whetstone)
Jess Alexander (Jewdinese)
Marcus Mann, Marc Hyamson, Matt Geey, Ben Polak, Nicky Harris, Daniel Selwyn, Adam Blin (all Oakwood B)
Jeff Gotch, Eli Baraty, Yonni Bord, Gary Hill, Tom Prevezer, Andrew Charles, Sean Preston, Jonny Lee (all Catford & Bromley)
Marc Woolfe, Jarred Rudman, Alex Goodman (all NL Raiders C)
Josh Kaye, Blake Buckman, Adam Lenz, Freddie Marks, James Milman (all FC Team C)
Andrew Smith, Dan Finegold, Jon Kay, Mark Truman, Nick Stern (all L’Equipe)
Loz Bloom, Ben Grabiner (both Mill Hill)



22 - Avi Markiweicz (London Rovers)

19 - Adam Ellis (Shacharit Donetsk)

12 - Phil Braham (King Crown)

11 - Josh Bharier (London Rovers)

10 - Dovi Vogel (London Rovers)

8 - Dan Gordon (Faithfold B)

7 - Benni Sluckis (Hendon B)

6 - Dom Cheniart, Yoel Deal (both King Crown)
Yisroel Lewis (London Rovers)

5 - James Ryan, Zack Gordon (both KS Reunited)
Leor Harel (Faithfold B)
Saul Cohen (Hendon B)

4 - Richard Rosenthal, Barry Green, Josh Jacobs (all Real Sosobad)
Adam Nusenbaum, Ben Retter (both King Crown)
James Neidle, Gideon Barth (all Hendon B)
Lioz Tov (Boca Jewniors)
Darren Zitren (Temple Fortune)

3 - Andy Levy (Real Sosobad)
Josh Marlow (Boca Jewniors)
Jake Garfield (King Crown)
Zach Rich, Matt Leader (both Temple Fortune)
Yehoshua Silverman, Nigel Someck, Parys Hammond, Dan Ezra (all London Rovers)
Avi Mocton (Hendon B)

2 - Josh Levy (Shacharit Donetsk)
Ben Garfield, Ricky Fox, Jacob Kadoch (all King Crown)
Yossi Abrahams, Adam Kay (all London Rovers)
Phil Peters, Jerome Colmans (both ML Lions Green)
James Rubin, James Law, Adam Goodman (all Real Sosobad)
Eric Hovelsen, Josh Barnett, Dave Sherman, Ashley Ilsen, Dan Yoss (all Faithfold B)
Dave Sawyer, Nicky Stone (both Temple Fortune)
Jamie Weinrich, Callion McGregor, Jack Goldsmith, Dale Bradman (all Boca Jewniors)
Gab Saul (Hendon B)
Mitchel Ross (KS Reunited)

1 - Zalmy Cohen, Akiva Zneimer (both London Rovers)
Akiva Fink, Sam Kanter, Yoram Goodman, Daniel Reece (all Shacharit Donetsk)
Rob Cooper, Anthony Shaw, Gavin Levy, Gideon Wetrin, Dominic Hallett (all Temple Fortune)
Sacha Nusenbaum, Yossi Lanning (King Crown)
Aaron Sporter, Steven Black, Danny Reuben, Ben Winters (all MLL Green)
Jason Goldstein, Sebastian Deal, Joe Sumray, Jamie Levrant, Ethan Deal (all KS Reunited)
Josh Webber, Gab John, Adam Rosenfeld, Jack Goldsmith (all Boca Jewniors)
John Lessem, James Law, Elliot Coulton (all Real Sosobad)
Josh Platt, Nicky Silverstone, Zac Rose, Ben Winters, Sam Collins, Scott Ackerman, Steven Black (all ML Lions Green)
Ben Silverblatt, Chaim Korman, Adam Glekin, Gideon Caller, Jamie Grossman, Jono Nesbitt (all Hendon B)
Adam Grossman (Faithfold B)


5 - Avi Markiweicz (London Rovers)
Adam Ellis (Shacharit Donetsk)

4 - Daniel Garfinkle (Redbridge JC B)

3 - David Woolman (Oakwood A)
Jake Gilbert (NL Raiders B)
Adam Stolerman (FC Team C)

2 – James Gershfield (Harmen)
Matt Stock (NL Raiders A)
Johnny Haik (Faithfold A)
Connor Perl (ML Lions Blue)
Simon Moses (Los Blancos)
Dan Baneth (Camden Park)
Phil Braham (King Crown)

1 – Avidan Last, David Seitler (both Hendon A)
Ricky Engleman, Liron Mannie (both NL Raiders A)
Jonny Quinn (Oakwood A)
Gideon Barnett (Neasden)
Alon Hershkorn (FC Team A)
Sam Lewis (Faithfold A)
Julius Judah (Athletic Bilbaum)
Dean Shaw (Blizzard Storm)
Rob Hershkorn (Camden Park)
Ben Binder (FC Team B)
Haydon Davidson (Oakwood B)
Brandon Sassoon, Zac Collins (both Jewdinese)
Andy Smith (L'Equipe)
Will Ufland (NL Raiders B)
Ben Zloof (AC Mill Hill)
Josh Bharier (London Rovers)
Dan Gordon (Faithfold B)
James Ryan (KS Reunited)
Lioz Tov (Boca Jewniors)
Saul Cohen (Hendon B)

- List includes goals scored in MGBSFL and Anekstein Cup only

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