With only one week to go I have elected to share my myriad health and wellbeing tips with you. As you will now be aware I have been allergic to exercise for most of my adult life. I subscribe to the minimalist aesthetic of 'less is more' but have decided to kick off my Jimmy Choos in favour of some more utilitarian footwear and walk five- yes FIVE - miles in aid of the Langdon Community.
This past week I have been examining the concept that exercise is a state of mind. People that exercise regularly often report increased levels of energy and to that end I have been lying in a darkened room, thinking about exercise and in particular the impending walk while wearing a variety of sportswear.
I must admit my regime is having a most beneficial effect, as after an hour or two of deep contemplation (with eyes closed so that I can fully focus) I am full of beans!!!
With my training in place, this walk should be a doddle of a toddle.