Gallup have just released a fascinating poll in the US on attitudes to wealth redistribution. As the report puts it:
What's really interesting is that this is not a party divide, and it's not a divide across income groups, either:
I can't find a similar poll here - if you know of one, do post a link please in the comments. But I'd be astonished if there wasn't a much narrower gap between the two preferences here in the UK, and probably a complete reverse in much of the EU.
UPDATE: My friend Johhny Munkhammar has alerted me to the Eurobarometer polls on similar questions. They show that 64 per cent think that competition is the best way to secure prosperity, and 24 per cent don't; 62 per cent think the government interferes too much. But here's the big difference: 64 per cent want to see 'equality' and 'justice', even at the expense of freedom.