Tim Worstall has had a look through Demos' Open Left site, and this is what he found:
For example, from a College Lecturer, we get a glimpse of why the education system is so crap:
I could never be anything but left wing – my mother is
the daughter of a South Yorkshire miner, a trade unionist and long time
(but now relapsed) Labour Party activist.That would be lapsed dear: relapsed would mean he had been, then wasn’t and now is again.
An end to ‘privilege’ at all levels of society- so
scrapping the monarchy, getting rid of hereditary peers, shutting down
private schools and banning private health care.Banning private health care? What, I can’t buy my own aspirin now?
From a social housing consultant (the very existence of such a post is another sign of what is wrong):
Council’s have become associated with punitative
taxation as a consequent of the Council Tax. This was a deliberate aim
of the Conservative Party and its to Labour’s shame…Err, Councils, consequence and it’s. So we not only have leeches upon the public purse, we have illiterate leeches…..