
Real Real Zionist

September 07, 2011 20:45

Despite what you call yourself it seems evident that you have absolutely no idea what a Zionist is let alone a "Real Real" one. I am not sure where you live but I suppose it probably is England.
On that assumption you in common with many other English "as a Jew"s who practice Israel bashing as a sport seem to be clueless what it means for a Jewish State to seek to exist in the Middle East and project your English "social consciences" where they have neither meaning nor application. You also seem to think that the Arabs espouse the same "values" as you do and it is us who fail to maintain proper standards and who therefore need to be lectured by you.
Living in a country which is not under constant threat you are incapable obviously of understanding what we are subjected to here just going about our ordinary daily lives and why that means as it did in Britain during times of conflict that some of the freedoms which you take for granted have to be suspended here in the interests of security and not because we want it that way. So please don't preach to us - we can hardly be a model of what you consider to be a Western democracy surrounded as we are by countries and terrorist groups seeking our immediate demise when no western democracy faces the same threats as we do so please keep your condescending and sneering comments to yourself, that is if you are a real Zionist as you claim to be.

September 07, 2011 20:45

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