
Simon Rocker

“Human dignity affronted in Gaza”

February 10, 2009 16:35

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, briefly alluded to recent events in Gaza in his presidential address to the Church of England Synod today. This is what he had to say:
"What we have to say is that God's gaze rests lovingly upon each of us and each of our fellow human beings, waiting on our response to his inestimable gift. That is our priority, in a world where we not only see human dignity affronted in Gaza and the Holy Land and Zimbabwe and Sudan, but where we now see so many nearer home facing the wreckage or undermining of their sense of purpose and value, as unemployment, repossession, uncertainty about the future for them and their families all become immediate threats."

February 10, 2009 16:35

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