
Don't attack us...please?

February 11, 2009 11:28

Via Guido Fawkes, I came across this:

The British government will air ads on Pakistani television urging terrorists to not attack Britain.

Prominent British Muslims will star in the British Foreign Office-funded £400,000 campaign that is set to break on Pakistani television next Monday...

The campaign, the paper said, will be targeted at ‘15-25-year-old males who are less than well-educated and worldly wise, but potentially susceptible to extremist doctrines'. Nine 30-second commercials, supported by ads on radio, will be aired on PTV, Geo TV and Khyber among other channels. If the Pakistani campaign is successful, it will be extended in Egypt, Yemen and Indonesia.

Please don't bomb us!

But here's what I want to know: how exactly will they work out if the campaign is successful?

February 11, 2009 11:28

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