By Eli Ajzenman
Standing at a taxi rank recently I was astounded as some of the people in front of me were allowing others to "play through" and take the next available cab on the rank.
Perhaps, I thought, they were still waiting for someone to join them and were being gracious enough not to let others wait. Oddly enough though, this couple let cab after cab pick up other passengers. I watched with interest, as they were not looking around for anyone else to join them.
However, what caught my interest was that the wife was getting insistent while the husband firmly refused to move, when the next cab arrived. The 2 children waiting with them were becoming more than a handful when the next cab driver, an Indian (Sikh), bounded out of his cab and dutifully grabbed the family's luggage. The husband promptly grabbed at the bags and said "no that's fine we'll take the next one thanks" and grabbed the bags back.
To cut a long story short, it was evident that he didn't want to be taken by an Indian, or any ethnic driver for that matter. Every cab he had let go was driven by a non-European. Finally, an almost "white" cabby was the "lucky" driver to snag the fare. All along words were exchanged between husband and wife. I'd hate to think what was said , especially within earshot of the 2 children.
So, while boycotting these drivers for whatever reason, if there could be one, his time was spent focused on fueling his prejudice and exposing his children to the same.
Alan Dershowitz recently, in an op ed piece, slammed his son's College because a a rabidly anti-Israel group on the Hampshire College campus tried to get the College to divest from six companies that they claim helped "the Israeli occupation of Palestine." In fact they succeeded in doing so and promptly went out publicizing that Hampshire College was the first campus in America to do so, hopefully encouraging others to do the same.
The College president, in an open letter to Dershowitz, tries to explain away the committee's decision.
But it seems that the world is intent on kicking Israel one way or the other.
In the UK a number of Jewish community organisations have expressed concern over the publication of a report that appears to target a number of kosher stores for allegedly stocking produce that originates from the West Bank.
The 68-page report was commissioned by the Hotung Program for Law, Human Rights and Peace Building in the Middle East at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
On Wednesday, the Fair Play Campaign Group (FPCG), a community organization set up to oppose boycott calls against Israel, accused the publication of targeting kosher shops in Britain.
The FPCG said it lists the names and addresses of four kosher food retailers in the UK, claiming that these stores stock produce that might be produced in the West Bank.
Although hundreds of small independent retailers stock these goods, these shops are not included; small kosher shops are disproportionately targeted alongside the major supermarkets, a FPCG spokesman said.
Also, the United Arab Emirates refused to issue a visa to Israeli tennis star Shahar Pe'er.
I am sure you are aware of the counter war being waged by those publishing lists and videos of what it would actually mean to boycott Israeli goods, inventions and research or, for that matter, anything remotely attributed to Jewish involvement.
However, those that continue to promote and push for this kind of soft war, be it in academia or goods and services, are insistent that Israel and the Jews are better ignored at best, or disposed of at worst.
Do a Google search on "boycotting China" as opposed to "boycotting Israel". The difference in the amount of articles is horrendous. Of course you can't do that if you're boycotting Jews, because Google..well you know!
Imagine boycotting Chinese goods....what would we eat!
Suffice to say its not enough that Israel is at the forefront of battling a culture that is intent on restoring its former glory, it has to fight a rear guard action to protect itself from those that would call themselves friends.
May you all have good Shabbat and spend it your family and friends.
Shabbat Shalom